
About Us

A best place to enjoy

Rummana Boutique Resort is respected by our customers The resort features 40 villas that are masterfully planned to optimize space, functionality and comfort for guests. Designed with an Island Chic approach, the cozy and comfortable rooms make your stay pleasurable. The resort is a private tropical paradise. Plants of all description grow wild; trees shade the pool, palm fronds knock at the window and flowering plants grow abundant. The ambience is of cool calm getaway, with blue sky above and turquoise waters lapping at the beach or still and flat on the resort’s pools. Whether private and peaceful lounging in the comfortable private residences, soaking up the tropical sun on Lamai Beach, or walking back to your room guided by authentic Thai lanterns, it’s a place you will never want to leave. n/a

Our Rooms

Discover our rooms

Rummana Boutique Resort

Deluxe Villa with Garden view

Deluxe Villa with Garden view

Enjoy Scenic Garden Views, Ultimate Relaxation Awaits.

Rummana Boutique Resort

Rummana villa with Garden view

Rummana villa with Garden view

Serene Garden View Retreat, Perfect for Relaxation and Tranquility

Rummana Boutique Resort

Rummana suite with sea view

Rummana suite with sea view

Luxurious seaside retreat with breathtaking ocean vistas, offering unparalleled relaxation and rejuvenation amidst serene surroundings.

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Free Wifi


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Daily Housekeeping


Free Parking


Cable TV



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Cultural immersion allows travelers to connect with local communities, learn about their traditions, and gain a deeper understanding of their way of life.

Here are some tips for embracing local traditions and customs while traveling

  1. Do Your Research Before visiting a destination, research the local customs, traditions, and etiquette to understand cultural norms and avoid unintentional faux pas. Learn about important cultural practices, greetings, gestures, and taboos to show respect for the local culture.
  2. Respect Local Customs Respect local customs and traditions by observing and participating in cultural practices with humility and sensitivity. Be open-minded and willing to embrace differences, even if they may seem unfamiliar or unusual.
  3. Learn the Language Learning a few basic phrases in the local language can go a long way in fostering connections and showing respect for the local culture. Practice greetings, pleasantries, and simple phrases to communicate with locals and break down language barriers.
  4. Engage with Locals Interact with locals and engage in meaningful conversations to learn about their lives, perspectives, and traditions. Strike up conversations in markets, cafes, and community events, and be curious about their culture, history, and daily routines.
  5. Participate in Festivals and Celebrations Attend local festivals, celebrations, and cultural events to experience the vibrant traditions and customs of the community firsthand. Join in traditional dances, music performances, religious ceremonies, and culinary festivities to immerse yourself in the local culture.
  6. Try Local Cuisine Sample traditional dishes and local delicacies to experience the flavors and culinary traditions of the destination. Visit local markets, street food stalls, and family-run restaurants to taste authentic cuisine prepared with fresh, seasonal ingredients.
  7. Respect Sacred Sites and Monuments Show reverence and respect for sacred sites, temples, and monuments by following religious customs and dress codes, removing your shoes when required, and refraining from disruptive behavior or loud conversations.
  8. Support Local Artisans and Craftspeople Purchase locally-made handicrafts, artwork, and souvenirs to support local artisans and preserve traditional craftsmanship. Visit artisan workshops, cooperatives, and markets to learn about traditional techniques and support sustainable tourism initiatives.
  9. Dress Appropriately Respect local dress codes and customs by dressing modestly and appropriately for cultural sites, religious sites, and social settings. Cover shoulders, knees, and other sensitive areas when visiting temples, mosques, or conservative communities.
  10. Leave No Trace Practice responsible tourism and leave no trace by minimizing your impact on the environment and local communities. Dispose of waste properly, tread lightly in natural areas, and respect wildlife and habitats.

By embracing local traditions and customs, travelers can foster meaningful connections, gain cultural insights, and create memorable experiences that enrich their journeys and deepen their appreciation for the diversity of our world.

Traveling on a budget doesn't mean sacrificing your dream trip. With careful planning and smart strategies, you can make your dream destination affordable.

Here are some tips to help you travel on a budget

  1. Set a Realistic Budget Determine how much you can afford to spend on your trip, including transportation, accommodation, meals, activities, and souvenirs. Be realistic about your budget and stick to it to avoid overspending.
  2. Choose Affordable Destinations Opt for destinations where your money will go further, such as countries with a lower cost of living or those off the beaten path. Research budget-friendly destinations and consider alternative travel options to popular tourist hotspots.
  3. Travel Off-Peak Avoid traveling during peak tourist seasons when prices for flights, accommodation, and activities are higher. Instead, travel during shoulder seasons or off-peak times when prices are lower and crowds are smaller.
  4. Be Flexible with Dates Be flexible with your travel dates to take advantage of the best deals on flights and accommodation. Use fare comparison websites and booking apps to find the cheapest fares and consider flying on weekdays or during off-peak hours.
  5. Book in Advance Plan and book your trip well in advance to secure the best deals on flights, accommodation, and activities. Many airlines and hotels offer early booking discounts, so book as soon as your travel plans are confirmed.
  6. Travel Light Pack only the essentials and travel light to avoid paying extra fees for checked baggage or oversized luggage. Pack versatile clothing items that can be mixed and matched, and bring a reusable water bottle and snacks to save money on food and drinks.
  7. Stay in Budget Accommodation Consider staying in budget accommodation options such as hostels, guesthouses, homestays, or vacation rentals. Look for deals and discounts on accommodation booking websites and consider alternatives to traditional hotels.
  8. Eat Like a Local Save money on meals by eating like a local and sampling street food, visiting local markets, and cooking your meals when possible. Avoid dining at touristy restaurants and opt for budget-friendly eateries frequented by locals.
  9. Use Public Transportation Save money on transportation by using public transportation such as buses, trains, and trams instead of taxis or rental cars. Purchase multi-day passes or discount cards for public transportation to save even more.
  10. Take Advantage of Free Activities Look for free or low-cost activities and attractions to enjoy during your trip. Explore parks, museums with free admission days, walking tours, and local festivals to experience the destination without breaking the bank.
  11. Monitor Your Spending Keep track of your expenses and monitor your spending throughout your trip to stay within your budget. Use a budgeting app or keep a travel journal to record your expenses and identify areas where you can cut costs if needed.
  12. Be Open to Sharing Costs Consider traveling with friends or family members and sharing the costs of accommodation, transportation, and meals. Splitting expenses can help reduce the overall cost of your trip and make it more affordable for everyone involved.

By following these tips and being savvy with your spending, you can make your dream trip affordable without compromising on the quality of your travel experience. With careful planning and a bit of creativity, you can create unforgettable memories while staying within your budget.